Job Hunting
Boo, life has been reduced to seeking air conditioned meccas, (such as this computer lab), and checking my email and answering machine for possible job offers. Shit. I have never, in the almost 10 times I have been on a job hunt in the last 8 years, had a problem finding one. It's usually I have a problem with getting too many, and then not knowing how to turn them down. Maybe Nicole was right, maybe this is a really bad job market moment. Or maybe God is testing my broke ass, knowing I'm all brimming with employment hubris or some shit. I dunno. I just hope I get one soon, not only because I have no money and yet keep spending it like it grows on trees, but also because a week free from work and school has been nice, but I'm slowly going insane. Expecially because my options of things to do with myself and mighty limited. Example: this morning I woke up at 9 to go biking or walking, as I have been every day since I got home, but the heat stroke I nearly developed simply walking into the sauna of my bathroom was enough to make me decide to save that activity till after dark. So I went back to bed and read for a while, but eventually I felt so guilty for using the air and lying about in bed that I had to get up. So I ate some cereal, took a shower, got what? I could do laundry, but sitting in a hot, sticky, laundramat for three hours in the heat of the day seemed unwise. I could call Lisa, but she's out of town. I could go shopping, but again, this requires both money and walking around in the disgusting heat. AND looking at my sweaty, dishelved countenance in store windows. I can't stay home and clean or work on craft projects because of the aforementioned air conditioner guilt. My room doens't have a window that opens of anything, so sitting there without air is out of the question. So, what can I do? Go back to where I spent four hours of my yesterday, the freaking computer lab. Well, I DO have some more job searches to do, and some thesis research to do, but nerdy am I? To spend the day in the computer lab, and top that off with perhaps a few hours in the library. Hold Mary, mother of God. I am a bonefied geek. And not in the hip Manhattan dorky cool way, either. I need a job.
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